Cultures Coach assists Quint's clients in developing cultural awareness and providing tools to solve challenges cultural differences can create.
Cultures Coach offers Learnlight clients country-specific training.
Multi-ethnic employees benefit from cultural awareness training and personal culture coaching from Culture Coach.
We offer customized workshops for leadership development and management traineeship programs of Nyenrode Business University
Ariane is een zeer kundige en energieke coach op het gebied van cultuur. Ze voelt de dynamiek binnen een team als geen ander aan en weet op de juiste manier (gevoelige) cultuurkwesties bespreekbaar te maken. Door haar ruime ervaring, is ze in staat om trainingen gemakkelijk aan te passen naar de wensen en behoeften van de deelnemers. Binnen Quint zijn wij zeer tevreden over de samenwerking met Ariane. Ze heeft ons geholpen om onze Cultural Awareness Training inhoudelijk naar een hoger niveau te tillen.
Ariane is a very skilled and energetic coach in the field of culture. She feels the dynamics within a team like no other and knows the right way to make (sensitive) cultural issues negotiable. Because of her extensive experience, she is able to easily adapt training sessions to the wishes and needs of the participants. Within Quint, we are very satisfied with the cooperation with Ariane. She helped us to lift our Cultural Awareness Training to a higher level in terms of content.
Mijn coachingstraject met Ariane was heel erg leerzaam en prettig. Haar vragen zijn scherp en to-the-point. Hierdoor word je uitgedaagd om te blijven reflecteren. In mijn geval heeft me dit de ruimte gegeven om op een andere manier naar zaken te kijken.
Iedere sessie was voorbereid en op basis van mijn doelen, hield ze de focus op mijn ontwikkeling. Heel erg fijn! Ook de koppeling met cultuur en gedrag verwerkt ze in haar aanpak.
En daarnaast is ze ook een energiek en vrolijk mens dat de gesprekken nóg leuker maakt!
My coaching trajectory with Ariane was very instructive and pleasant. Her questions are sharp and to the point. Because of this you are challenged to keep on reflecting. In my case this gave me the space to look at things in a different way.
Each session was prepared and based on my goals, she kept the focus on my development. Very nice! She also incorporates the link with culture and behaviour in her approach.
And she is also an energetic and cheerful person that makes the conversations even more fun!
Ariane heeft op de business Universiteit Nyenrode zeer krachtige workshops over culturele verschillen op de werkvloer. Nederland is in alle lijstjes al ruim 400 jaar een sterke en innovatieve economie. Dat komt o.a. doordat we leren van de mensen die met een andere culturele achtergrond naar ons land migreren. Ariane praat op Nyenrode over het thema: Hoe we ook vandaag de dag deze inclusiviteit kunnen benutten om onze organisaties te versterken .
Ariane holds very powerful workshops at Nyenrode Business University on cultural differences in the workplace. In all the lists, the Netherlands has been a strong and innovative economy for over 400 years. This is partly because we learn from the people who migrate to our country with a different cultural background. Ariane talks at Nyenrode about the theme: How we can also use this inclusiveness today to strengthen our organisations .
Ariane hosted an in person session for Dr Martens this week in Amsterdam. Our team is made up of multiple nationalities in a Sales leadership function and we were looking to understand each other cultures better in order to work more efficiently together. Ariane was incredibly engaging, energy levels remained high throughout the whole session. She switched up the content to meet the group's needs while making sure every person had an equal voice. Ariane is the perfect mix of personable & professional - highly recommend.
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